Sunday 21 November 2010

All Shall be Well

I love this painting of Julian of Norwich and cat!

Apologies for the break! I was in Inverness on Friday for a car service - 168 miles is a long round trip for anything, so usually I make a day of it with a long shopping list or people to see. I was accompanied by one of my friends who is also a pupil, and we had a most enjoyable, if long day!

We got back to Paradise late and tired, so Saturday was really a rest up day ! When I think of the 15 hour days 6 or 7 days a week, I did in London, I wonder where all my energy and 'go' has gone, and then I realise, actually it went back then!

Anyhow the sun is shining today and it is so mild that I have hung washing out on the line!

The Little Drummer Boy arrangement seemed to go down well, and it also went down well with my daughter's chapel choir at her school, so I am very pleased about that! Writing arrangements is something I really enjoy. I am not a 'creator' as in composing from scratch, I have always known that, but I think I probably know voices and their possibilities well enough to be a successful arranger of other folk's melodies, or folk songs.

I am off for a Carvery lunch in the village with my parents in a few minutes, and then back to the house to do housewifey things - washing, drying, and the like. On a day like today, none of that is a bind, it makes such a change to feel the warm sun on one's face and back, and see the birds happily feeding from all the 'bird kitchen' paraphernalia on my majestic plum tree!

Back to the teaching tomorrow, and the final run up to the exams which are this coming friday and saturday. We have been able to book our local church and church hall for them, and what a difference it makes to have a large space with a good acoustic. At least the nerves will not have to cope with a small, dead as a doh doh acoustic, modern school teaching room with a piano as loud as a clanky symphony orchestra.

The many operatic arias and oratorio arias will stand much more chance of not overblowing, and the examiner will hear the music as it should be heard, and not be deafened by being almost able to touch the singers, in the previously used room.

Roll on Sunday, when all all be done !

Keep remembering ladies, Julian of Norwich said...

All shall be well............

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