Saturday 13 November 2010

Music and Maths

Another day of respite from the bitter weather, and a short trip to the Post Office tells me it is a scorching 10 degrees!

I finally finished my simple, but hopefully effective arrangement of 'The Little Drummer Boy', I now have to work out how to put the lyrics in! I was quite tired when I finished the score and then made a feeble attempt at entering the words via the Lyric Tool. I think the lateness of the hour mushed my brain for any more new information.

I am using a new score writing piece of software, I do have a copy of Sibelius but it fills up the memory on my laptop and slows it down considerably, so I opted to use a smaller, but perfectly 'formed' software called Musescore. It is still in the beginnings of it's life so I downloaded for free and hoped that any bugs would not bite the behind of my arrangement!

I ran out of ink - honestly, things all come together don't they - so I cannot print it out until the ink I ordered arrives.......

Anyhow, the arrangement has a Bass and Tenor ostinato, or repeating pattern for the boys to imitate a drum, and the melody is in the Soprano and Alto in simplistic 3rds. Actually, I think it is a very pretty tune, and over arranged I feel it would lose it's childlike poignancy. I hope they like it!

It is a day for getting on top of the old 'Accounts' as well. Oh dear, the weather, the maths and the deceased dishwasher. Not the most exciting of weekends.

Now, get on with it Ann.


  1. Meanwhile - at the ends of the earth - we are out there attempting to deal to the weeds for a (rather late) Spring planting session in too much heat!

    The dishwasher is ok here but the door fell off the oven!
    I spent the weekend devising a christmas decoration to be made by my 8 year olds and planning for an exhibition early next year.

    Work is never really done is it. You merely finish one lot and move on to the next. I do like to make most of it as interesting as possible though or I feel life would become just a drag.

    viv in nz

  2. Hello Ann! ☺

    It's a little while since I've visited here, so I thought I'd pop in and see what's been happening.

    What's with the dishwashers, lately? Mine has decided it's got arthritis or something, not wanting to move on through the cycles properly. Poor hubby then had a go working on it after it promptly started a leak this morning.

    I have some news to share, too. My son and two of my private singing students performed at a concert last night. We had an awful amount of nervous tension building up to the event, but everyone performed so well!

    Catherine (Australia)
