Thursday 30 December 2010

The Ring Cycle

I have a beautiful ring which was left to me by my wonderful first singing teacher Middy. You can read about her in previous posts.

It was totally unexpected, and I can truly say it is the first thing of any real and emotional value that I have ever received.

It took me sometime to get used to wearing it, and I found myself looking at it a great deal when I first started to wear it. I decided that as it came from the person who musically moulded me, and gave me the confidence to do the job, I would only wear it when I was 'doing the job'. So, it is always on my finger when I teach, adjudicate or masterclass. When I am free it sits in a small porcelain bowl on my dressing table.

When I wear it, I feel Middy sitting on my shoulder, keeping me on the vocal straight and narrow, and lending a celestial ear to the sound that my pupils are making. I twirl it around when I am trying to find a solution to a problem, and wonder what she would have done, or what piece she may have chosen, or when the moment is right to give a bit of a telling off ! These thoughts all happen in a split second, and I am not sure that I am always aware of the hold Middy has over my teaching!

Don't think for one moment it is a talisman or a good luck charm, that would be to treat it with superficial naivety. It is a constant reminder of 'keeping my eye on the vocal ball',and 'keeping up the vocal standards', and reminding me to 'care, more than simply teach, my pupils'. She taught me that by her example, she was right, and the ring cements that ethos completely.

All of you should feel indebted to the power of the tiny three plain diamonds set in white gold, it has given you the benefit of the doubt many times, and has reined back my temper !

It resembles the lady herself. Solid, simple and with an inner beauty which radiated out to all whose life was touched by her's.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Ring
Thanks for teaching me to Sing !!

Doggrel but true!

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