Friday, 14 June 2013

Coffee and Crossroads's 5pm and I am sitting in my favourite Costa just on the M6 and 10 miles past the border. I even managed to get my Costa Card swiped today. Now this may seem a small thing, but I have not been able to work out why some Costa places do, and others definitely do not ? I think that after about 10 swipes one receives a 'free and for nothing ' coffee of your choice. At £3.29 a cup, that is a bargain I think !

Anyhow, it is not as pure and miraculous on the taste buds as Craig's coffee, see, plug over ! Yet it still has the desired restorative effect on the lonesome traveler just around 90 miles from the overnight bed at the Travelodge known as Forton Services, Lancaster !

Apologies, that all probably seems like far too much boring information........

I left in glorious sunshine this morning, and have passed through rather grey and 'dreek' ( I think that's how it is spelt!?) weather, some heavy rain and lots of overcast skies. The remnants of my refreshments can be seen above.

Apropos of nothing, and certainly not singing teaching, I heard the most amazing interview with Jenny Murray on Woman's Hour this morning. A young lady who had been in a terrible car accident in America when she was 16 had fought and won a battle with death, and now, two years on is a member of the ladies GB Wheelchair Basketball team and off to play in an international match in Germany.

This young woman of 18, was so inspirational. She told JM that she was just so glad to be alive, and that being in a wheelchair did not matter, because she was still here, and was enjoying her life. She passed her driving test a year after the accident, and was about to move into a flat with a friend and become independent at University. She had her, I feel certain, sparkling eyes firmly set on the 2015 Paralympics, and seemed as though the world was still her oyster. A different breed of oyster than it may have been had she not become disabled, but never the less a world to be taken by the scruff of the neck and shaken until it sat up and listened to her.

It kinds of put small niggles, like my cold and sore throat, into perspective and makes me give myself a shake up and smell the flowers ! I think we all need wake up calls once in awhile, and the will to go out and grab opportunities with both hands, and be happy to live with the consequences.

I know a few folk who are at various crossroads in life at the moment, and maybe we always see crossroads as in 'angry roads' ? When I took the major and radical decision to move 700 miles and leave a very fine job when at my major life crossroad, I can honestly say I saw that as a blazingly bright and sunny turn in the road.

I know I can only talk for myself, but it was worth every step. You just cannot beat being your own boss in this life.

PS Sorry I may have mentioned this before !!!


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