It is 25 degrees and I have been stuck in traffic jams on the A1, so stopping in an air conditioned Little Chef seemed like a brilliant idea! Even with the AC on however, my tall vanilla ice is melting at a rate which is faster than our barge travelled at top speed !
My route north veered away for the family's direction about 30 miles out of Stalham, the boatyard where we collected and sadly left our watery holiday home. We exchanged flashing lights and horns hooting as I started my way home.
Over our last dinner of shepherd's pie with additions of left over bolognese sauce and vegetable ends, we came to the conclusion that this really was a wonderful way to holiday, and we would do it again. It was not very expensive, and once on the barge, there was absolutely nowhere t spend money, which made a very refreshing change to the usual short break type of vacation. The children helped with the roping up, mooring, pulling the barge to shore, tying up and even driving.
It seemed like such an old fashioned way to holiday, and yet our 100% 21st century children loved it, watched TV only once, and treated it all like an Enid Blyton adventure !
We played lots of card games, tic tac toe, monopoly as well as doing spellings and mental arithmetic, and to cap it all I even drank lashings of Ginger Beer ! We were like the multi generational version of the Famous Five and dog !
Coming home is quite sad - except for the heat - and of course the fact I miss all my pupils and friends !
(Phew, got to say that !) I can't truthfully say I am looking to have more peace and quiet than I have had this last week, but I will say if the sun is shining and it is between 25 and 30 degrees in Paradise, I am on the list for emigrating to the North Pole.
Drip, drip, drip................
Listen to the Britten Sea Interludes and imagine the waving rushes
Guinness the salty sea girl
Lavezza and Ice Cream......Agh
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