Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Audition 2 The Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester

Another audition over ! Laurie and I were at the Royal Northern College of Music on Monday. The welcome was fantastic, and he sang very well, achieving the second round once again, as in Cardiff. The staff and the student ushers could not have been more helpful, and the organisation for a wheelchair candidate was slick, professional and discreet. I was most impressed.

In the first round as we walked in we were met by the smiling faces of the deputy head of voice, Susan Roper and her colleague Thomas Schulze. Laurie and I were momentarily taken aback, as his chosen piece for this round was a Schubert lieder ! He sang with lovely tone and such great intensity, but in German, obviously! I left the room and he went on to the sight reading (ugh!), and he later told me that as he left Thomas Schulze said, ' ...thank you, and your German was excellent' what a coup!

So once again we put all into the lap of the gods and play the waiting game. It seems to me, that as the years have gone by it has become more tricky to know what panels are looking for, and the 'one song first round filter' is a hard one. Most often we need the first song to settle, and may not do as well as we can until that settling happens. Still, performing is a tough game, so maybe we just need to accept that with so little work out there, a tough filter into Conservetoire is needed ?

I have been to the RNCM many times in my life, and it has changed in some respects and not in others. I met some old friends, and was pleased to meet some new colleagues who now seem to be running a friendly and professional department.

I am now back home for a week, then off down to the smokey city for his final audition at the guildhall in the barbican.

I am geographically challenged at the moment, and frankly not sure where I live, or what my name is! This has got to stop, or at least move down a gear. My 60 year old brain can no longer stand the pace ! Thus, I rearranged my teaching yesterday when I returned from Inverness, only to double book !

Grovel ! Abject grovel to J !

Modern, but warm and friendly


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