I finally arrived home on Saturday after the bumpiest and most terrifying landing at Inverness airport that I have experienced in the 13 years I have lived on Paradise ! It was a perfect flight until we hit the first bank of cloud on our descent onto the runway. We applauded the pilot upon landing, he put us down quite remarkably, having not been able to keep the plane straight, especially as we circled over the Moray Firth. I think I won't enlarge anymore !
I was most kindly picked up by Laurie's father at the airport and transported back to their house where my tiny car was waiting for me and the drive home in gale force winds and lashing rain interspersed with snow flurries.........I arrived back home at around 3pm. It was the quickest turn round of washing, packing and packing up the dog bag, which incidentally was larger than my overnight bag ! The washing was drying on the rack above the stove by 5pm and dry by midnight by whence I could pack it in my case !
Sunday morning was spent sleeping in until about 9am then picking myself up to journey back over to Inverness to see Lorayne starring in Sleeping Beauty at the Eden Court Theatre. It was a tiring few days, but it am so glad I made it back to see another of my students sparkle like a musical Christmas Tree ! This year she was so able to manage her voice. She has learnt a great deal over the year despite illness and operations, and she easily cruised between head and chest registers and, as I told her afterwards, I did not have one panicky moment on hearing her performance of largely 'poppy' music . What a clever girl ! It is only when one hears it a teacher truly believes the technical lessons have really 'gone home' .
That seems boringly technical, but I care very much about my pupil's physical instruments, and for Lorayne's much used vocal cords to remain healthy and intact for life, she needs to manage them like a small and difficult toddler, firmly but kindly ! She sparkled and brought character to a role which is by its nature bound to be a little passive, and was just perfect in the role. The Dame was so strong, as was the baddie, who this year was a somewhat scary woman, and the sets were very beautiful and much like a delightful Highland fairy land.
Inner Sound is justifiably proud of our small and talented dynamo, as am I, and so glad a little of her belongs to us.
I was very kindly driven to the theatre, I would never have made it had I been the driver, and was hard put to stay awake on the journey home ! I finished packing on my return, did all the mundane but necessary things such as bin emptying, dish washer emptying and dehumidifier locationing, and fell into my bed around 10pm.
And that is where yesterday's blog began ! 10am Monday morning, and on the road south.................again.
Well done Princess Belle, it was SO worth the trip home. You are such a talented and glittering gem ! I much look forward to my second time in January with the grandchildren, they will be as entranced as they were last Christmas ! Keep smiling !!! ( and ya know what I mean ! )
I think I am now up to date.
Smiling for Scotland !
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