Monday, 23 June 2014

Our dear friend Penny Waugh

We had some very sad news this morning. Our dear friend Penny, she of the funny songs and humour queen of Paradise, slipped away in her sleep last night. She has been a staunch member of Inner Sound almost since it's inception, and has proved a supremely kind, gentle and always cheery member of the group.

She was diagnosed only four short weeks ago with breast cancer and complications arising from that. After a short stay in hospital in Inverness she came back to Broadford Hospital before returning home last week. She was upbeat, chirpy and keeping everyone on their toes.

It was a wonderfully peaceful and easy way to slip from life, leaving all her friends feeling bereft and sad at not being able to say goodbye, but eternally glad that she will not suffer or linger in pain for many difficult months.

My memories of her are manifold - she was an absolute master at wit and downright hilarity ! At the last concert she sang Stately as a Galleon, the Joyce Grenfell song of the 1950's, and brought the house down with her facial expressions, her clarity of text and her inimitable sense of stage timing ! The list of songs she has royally entertained us all with is endless, and covers all aspects of 'hatches, matches and dispatches' so to speak.

She was a loyal member, a quietly calm and utterly kind lady who was much loved by us all.

.....full evening dress is a must......

A much loved lady


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