Friday 7 November 2014

A Long Week Done

What a very long week it seems to have been ! I was away in the South of England for a funeral last weekend and had to leave the house at 3am...........I'm getting too long in the tooth for that sort of thing! I also didn't arrive home until after 1am, after a delayed flight 36 hours later. This had a distinct knock on effect to my teaching week !

It was a beautiful funeral service for Joscelyn Johnson, a gracious and delightful lady about whom I wrote some time ago. She and her husband The Rev Canon Charles Johnson were instrumental in the reason I moved to Paradise. She was a great age, and had lived a full and happy life and so there was much about the service which was happy and almost triumphant - except she was a lady who did not like fuss and bother, so 'triumphant' almost seems too large a word ! Warm and familiar hymns combined with traditional as well as interesting readings made for a day I would not have missed. The choir, under the direction of my daughter S sang quite beautifully, having worked very hard on an anthem which was new to them, and, I must say, to me too.

It did mean, however, I was tired when I started my, already bursting week of teaching, and by Monday teatime I did not have a single crotchet left in me, so cancelled some pupils and rescheduled for later in the week. By Wednesday I was beginning to feel more human and less jet lagged but I am very glad that by lunchtime today my long week had come to an end. Hence my lack of posts this week ! No brain room left for anything other than pupils, food and sleep !

It has been a very good week and we are on course for the concert on November 21st. I have chosen a few funny items for the concert and seemingly a quiver of Flanders and Swann songs, including a new one for M who is going to sing The Ostrich. I have never used this one before so I suspect it will be a lovely moment for singers and audience both. Another choice song with be Sung by my newest student E, who will be singing a delicious tenor version of the gorgeous Amarylli. He is so very expressive and his newly born tenor voice is developing so fast.

Young M will sing her first solo with chorus backing, so to speak, having finally got to the point where her voice is large enough to cope with a small chorus section in the repeat of her Sabbath Prayer from Fiddler on the Roof.

It is warming up to be a great evening !


Amarylli Mia Bella



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